Wednesday, July 12, 2006

gate man name tag

swoooosh ah... finally a week without punksai'ing my good "OLD" buddy/ies.
finally a computerrr...
so many shit happened the past few days i dunno which shit should i start first.
lets start from the recent one... my toto xue ling
she got bullied in bhss...
our tradition: go bhss and find the fucker..
then settle... boy boy.. it was good
my lame guy deserves a treat..
finally letting go off something for so long in his heart...

some days back., got police cameover to spot check us...

a neighbourhood cruiser came on... two police mens approach.

I C please...

then another cruiser came along. 2 policemens came...
then one more came out..
i was like are you kiddin me?
then is like an army of swat teams from a van comes out. and helicopter hovering on top ..
which is so not true
in the end, nothing happened.
scared the shit out of me since that last time with that edmund incident which made me sit in the backseat of a police car..

then superman returns the movie. 3/5 star.
the man of metropolis stole our hearts.
-sufjans stevens
seriously a must listen song

im being a super optimist. gotta change that attitude. and need to meat and beef myself up cos heard from karamjit that i got some kindofa somatotype

im like mesomorphic. mesomorphic yo.

cut the bullshit, i cut paste here(courtesy of wikipedia):

The endomorphic body type is centered around the digestive system and is easily overweight. The endomorphic person also has a visceral temperament, which means that they are tolerant, love comfort and luxury, and are extroverted—in short he or she loves food and people. Stereotype: the “jolly fat person.”
In July 2006, a study contradicted this stereotype, indicating that obese individuals in the United States were more likely to have been diagnosed with depression, bipolar disorder, and panic disorder/agoraphobia .Of note, they had a 25% lower lifetime risk of substance abuse.
The mesomorphic body type is centered around muscle and the circulatory system and has well developed muscles. The mesomorphic person has a somatotonic temperament, and is courageous, energetic, active, dynamic, assertive, aggressive, competitive, and often a risk taker. Stereotype: the “jock” or “GI Joe.”
The ectomorphic body type is centered around the brain and nerves. These people are slim and possibly underweight. The ectomorphic person has a cerebrotonic temperament, and is artistic, sensitive, apprehensive and highly self-aware. Another way to put it is that he or she is introverted and socially restrained. Stereotype: “effeminate artist” or “awkward nerd.”

nah bei.... italy win world cup... cb. fluke of the quad year event. and now they are like pushing me to do something i dont want... no fucking way.. whatever yall wanna say... whether its dishonesty or wad waht i only know is that dignity is number 1 priority. my code is: death before gayness... thats like somewhat a general basic code of manlyhood. and all men should, nono, all men MUST uphold that code... cant empasize that shit no further... cos its like tha father of all code of 'men-kinds'..

damn,.. now im figureing out how to upload my dick size online...
baby carrot my ass, fat bitch.

discovered a new cool reversible word: gateman and nametag....
see they are reversible.. omg man. so cool seh.

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