anyways, i've set my blog music autoplay. its good, turn it off if it pisses you off,
New Years Eve gonna kick ass! to start off 2009 with a bang, im sourcing for a straight happening events from 31st morning till 1st Jan 09's night. so a whole day slumber and preps for 30th dec awaits. though the news tells us that 2009's gonna be the shittiest year (worst-erer than the great depression) but i think, fuck that, live your life.
personally i think if you save now, you live frugally later with some slight comfort..
if you spend now, with all the discounts and offers, you would like enjoy, reap benefits. you live frugally later but lived to tell that it what a great ride you had pre-recession, but at the same time.
apart from that, if everyone does the same, spending ails the market, shortening the recession and pain.
OH!! how lucky am i. i dont know. i think ive been quite lucky lately. should've went to 7-eleven to 4D' or genting casino to milk out the oppurtunity. hope it doesnt run out till cny!
oh, and i before i forget, happy holidays peoples.
Been to many places and houses. mostly relatives, work. bla bla. I feel socially challenged, BUT!
Turkey Turkey Turkey. its fooodie heaven stuffings. it sounds disgusting but whacked a whole turkey's stuffings (consist of herbs and spices, sausagey something, cheese and potato) leaving none for like 30 others. huhuh...
Logcakes also.
Why log? and why bunny and eggs?
Been visiting, and seen alot of babies lately. and ive noticed that if its the son, the son would look like the mother, and if its the daughter, the daughter looks like the father. right right??
maybe i came up with a breakthrough.
no wonder my sister looks hideous just like my dad. huhuh. but i dont look like either of my parents. why's that? :(
I am very fat now. and my fitness is at probably at its 11-year low. kinda like the recession. I when i look at the mirror, im like skinny and fat at the same time. how pathetic is that? plus! i sleep alot and everything is slooower.
So all along, if any of you guys that hates or despises me and would love to beat the living shit out of me, nows the chance. (: satisfaction guaranteed! you can like gang up on me, or try surprise attack. but no weapons! weapons are for pussies.
cant be fucked to do anything, and i cant do shit even if i did, it takes forever. hell, it takes forever even when i take a shit now.
ive watched that hancock movie in dvd. its a show where will smith was naturally 'endowed' since born by God - with superhuman powers and could like fly. hes known to be the only one of his kind. but whenever he tries to save something, he would accomplish it but leaving behind a wreck.. kinda like he does more harm than good. until one day he saved a PR executive. PR executive did his part by coaching and representing him. image consultant kinda thing. then one day, the PR guy brought Hancock over to his place for dinner. and then Hancock found the PR guys' wife intriguing for some reason, bla bla bla.. scenes and events later, shocking discovery turns out that the PR guy's wife is just like him - naturally 'endowed' by God. then then some cool scenes and shit. she told hancock that they are like angels, immortal human beings, God's insurance policy when shit happens. ahhh... just watch the show.
cool parts i liked was when john hancock was flying drunk to some rescue destination and nearly missed an incoming plane. and it had Ludacris's Move Bitch playing.
and and hancock was in prison and he shoved a guys head into another guys' ass. hoho so cool
it was cool but the plot is thin as ice. 3.75/5 not bad.
productive holidays pic.
thats all for now, im at balestier macs.
currently im looking at these. more i look at it the more i wets my pants.
and currently im addicted to this song:
happy holidays again.
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