Sunday, July 22, 2007

solemn but sexy


i have to say....
my body is an engine plus machine plus spacecraft plus bio-engineering masterpiece..

it was shithole BHSS 'Racial Harmony cum Family Day' yesterday, and the experience was as crappy as the word 'family' and 'cum' sound.

there were alot of ugly chics with their face caked with make-up and dressed like hungry ghost festival dancers although it wasnt.

and lousy passé top 20 kinda music blaring throughout the whole schools' PA system, all day.

and i couldnt pee straight when i was in the toilet.

im soooo gonna complete my dnt portfolio, after the completion, its highway to my art stream/course/school glory...

i cant wait to graduate asap, and get out of this BHSS shithole
for the moment, i have to "tahan" the ordeal, im gonna prepare the ass out of myself for the damned exam and achieve astromomical marks and also a mere 1-digit point for the O levels.

oh, and heres the post-gig rampage pictures last month-ish or something. ron, here.

for aeons.

currently listening to:
Cory Lee - Mofo

shes my hero. seriously speaking, and as creepy as it may sound, but shes kinda like my secret role model. a perfect example. a goal.. i've tried my best being like her shes kinda like, a dream person to be: uber slim, art student and awesome. currently im working on being like that. its kinda sad that she suddenly disappeared.

now i just realised bigtime why my parents worry the shit out of themselves on some occasions when i dont go home at all. kinda sucks,. but yeah, i wonder what it feels like to be in HER shoes right now, because, im sure that it'll be utter hell to be in her parents/loved ones shoes right now.

Loving and Being with YOU is the greatest gift GOD could have ever given us


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

currently listening to:
rehab - amy winehouse

like i said before, i found my camera, and it was found somewhere near the dumps, without the memory card inside. its a mixed blessing to have things that is in a shoddy condition. so i kinda bought a new 512mb memory stick for cheap at mustafa.

me and assile found a fresh $50 note on the floor, outside mustafa. unlikely, thats because the street perimeter of the megamall, mustafa, is known to be the most inferior and shittiest in singapore.

we also had seen singapore idol, Maia Lee in mustafa, and the other time, saw Xiaxue there.

so yeah, now that my camera is ready to rock, im gonna post pics of my house which looks like a cross between probably a russian cloning research vat and a cocaine factory. this is due to the prep for the house "RENOVATION"!

i won my class Scrabble Competition. yes, and not only that, the words used are malay, and i deserve shitloads of credits for that considering that i am a solid D-grader when it come to that subject. a spanking cool notebook. imma take a pic of that too.

school is fun. ish. i would give brief explanation to that soon.
found a great-ass song for study:

this website is fun:

PEZ sweets are awesome

judith vigna's children books are kick ass to an extent

its cool to check out what evolution left behind on us humans

and dick sponge pudding anyone?

Sunday, July 15, 2007

the 300th post and all hail the almighty strangling machine

aziz's dicker

my artefact and lifted by monstrous forearm of benjamin tan
martin's feeding machine

vaneza sompolpong's fishmaker

Friday, July 13, 2007

oh my Goth man..

currently listening to:
Hands Held High - Linkin Park

the new linkin park album kinda suck. i think. okay, for a post, fast one.. fast one...
one of christopher's many alcohol drinks
damn dumb

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

the ulterior motives of free drinking straws

Have you ever considered the reason restaurants supply a straw with every drink, when serving soda, ice tea, or other non-alcoholic beverages?

"Customers expect them," you might say. and you'd be right.customers do expect them at McDonalds or Starbucks.but those same people don't expect them at fact, most of the people who drink through straws in restaurants do not use them at home.

Restaurant customers have been trained to ask for and expect straws. Thats a more accurate explanation. How did it happen? Marketing, and repetition. straws have been in common use so long that most of us have grown up with them. Straw at the restaurant, plain glassware at home has become the ordinary way of thinking for many of us.

What's the result? We drink more in restaurants. That's why they do it.

For the entire history of human evolution, splashing a drink on your face or at least your lips was an accepted and normal part of drinking. The introduction of straws changed the rules. Over tens of thousands of years, our bodies evolved to associate wet lips with satisfied thirst. Drinks that are ingested via straw don't touch out lips, and so do not satisfy our thirst as quickly. The result: we drink more.

Nowhere in the many articles chronicling the history of drinking straws have I read this simple truth. Do they teach it at McDonalds and Burger Kings's franchise school? I wonder.

Try it yourself next time you order a Coke or ice tea . . . skip the straw. Do you drink less? I bet you will.

Its an intersting point to ponder.

And how exactly does the lack of a straw reduce consumption? I'm not sure, but I have some ideas. One is this: you don't feel the need to take a drink while your lips are still wet from the previous sip. The straw gets around this inhibition, because your lips never get wet from the drink.

An interesting fact that reinforces this theory of mine relates to the carrying capacity of modern straws. Did you know that the plastic straws at today's fast food restaurants are 50% larger than the straws at soda fountains 50 years ago? It's true. Look at some old straws in Google if you don't believe me. Stimulation of consumption is the only reason I can see for increasing the diameter of a straw.

As a child, I never once heard the complaint, This straw is no good! I can't suck enough juice through it!" Did you?

But the marketers were watching. If they could cause a drink to be ingested more rapidly, they reasoned, theyd be more likely to sell refills. And they were right. It worked. The high capacity drinking straw was a solution in search of a problem, and its been a huge success for the foodservice industry. But has it helped us, the eaters?

There are some drinks that are served with toppings - the head on beer, the whipped cream on hot chocolate - and the topping is savored on your lips and in your mouth. It's a part of the experience of drinking those liquids. And as a result, liquids like that are seldom drunk with straws, even today.

sober, body like a rubber.

so weekend morning, the 'peoples from up north' visited my family and all, and they took a long ass time to get here, and i cant find much pictures and recently, i found my camera, by the dump, without the memory stick.. smart robbers.

me and malaysian cousin.

thats all for a while.. im updating a lengthy one later

introducing muthu

the great fat cheebye and another of his lame ass chain joke mails.

> >[This e-mail is confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the
> >intended recipient, please delete it and notify us immediately; you should
> >not copy or use it for any purpose, nor disclose its contents to any other
> >person. Thank you.]
> >
> >Interviewer : What is your birth date?
> >Muthu : 13th October
> >Interviewer : Which year?
> >Muthu : ... EVERY YEAR lah
> >
> >Manager asked to Muthu at an interview....
> >Can you spell a word that has more than 100 letters in it?
> >Muthu replied: P-O-S-T-B-O- X
> >
> >After returning back from a foreign trip,
> >Muthu asked his wife, Do I look like a foreigner?
> >Wife : No! Why?
> >Muthu : In London, a lady asked me, 'Are you a foreigner?'
> >.. that's why ...
> >Wife : SHOCKED!
> >
> >One tourist from U.S.A.asked to Muthu whether any great man born in
> >thisvillage or not ..
> >and Muthu said .. 'No sir, only babies were born here .. '
> >
> >Muthu was doing experiment with cockroach.
> >First he cut it's one leg and said WALK. WALK. Cockroach walked.
> >Then he cut it's second leg and told the same. Cockroach walked.
> >Then cut the third leg and did the same.
> >At last he cut it's fourth leg and ordered it walk!
> >But cockroach didn't walk.
> >Suddenly Muthu said loudly, 'I found it.
> >If we cut cockroach's four legs,it becomes deaf.
> >Muthu become a saint!
> >
> >When Muthu was travelling with his wife in a motorised tricycle, the
> >driveradjusted mirror.
> >Muthu shouted, 'You are trying to see my wife ? Sit back. I will drive.
> >
> >Muthu went in a hotel. To wash hands he went to the washbasin.
> >There he started washing the basin.
> >Seeing this, the manager asked what was he doing.
> >Muthu pointed towards the board 'WASHBASIN'
> >
> >Interviewer : Just imagine your in 20th floor in a building,
> >it caught fire and how will you escape ?
> >Muthu : It's simple.. I will just stop my imagination .. (Embedded image
> >moved to file: pic00041.jpg)
> >
> >Oh .. i forgot to say Muthu now in prison...
> >'cos during a political rally a woman journalist walking with a badge wrote
> >'PRESS' on her right chest ... and he did it !

Saturday, July 07, 2007

what the fuck!!

Currently listening to:
Morning - A Vacant Affair

what the fuck!!!
argh, what the fuck!!! seriously what the fuck!
God dammit..
i cant believe this shit is actually happening to me.. how could 7/7/07 get his fucken unlucky???
is there a motherfucking reason for such mishap to start this day?!

God! why God! its no doubt that you loathe me completely, and it seems that my luck is running dry. I prayed at least, and i deserve some credits and blessings for that.

list of mishap pre-Live Earth Day, 7/7:

lost my cash,
went back home somewhere in the wee hour,
found out that my bathroom sink is flowing with water and the lights where on,
water heater was faulty,
room air-conditioner fucked up,
laptop starts like shit,

...ahh... im not a complainer, but the worst thing is:

The Fucking Camera Got Fucked Up Completely.

which means, all the thousand-plus-plus dollar worth shots taken are eternally lost. and theres no way i could get it back.
what the fuck.

i guess i have to be exceptionally descriptive for this entry without pics. but it would be captions all the way.

(insert classroom random pictures)
ceiling fan: cool angular shot,
martin with his blown back emo-punkrock-alternative hairdo, rocking to his ipod,
malayguy smiling hard, showing teeth and howard smiling covering face,
linette in the midst of binomial and complex algorithm intensity staring at paper with ball point pen on the right, calculator on the other hand,
martin with chipmunk lips, very red,
vaneza's almost mona-lisa-like smile and face cluttered with red acnes,
mei ping japanese-ing herself with the handphone and all,
aaron and joel lam, posing some disgustingly gay act cute smile with the puffed up cheeks and index finger on lips and innocent eyes, uggh.

(insert afternoon pics)
tauhuay with wanie pink dyed hair,
tongue piercing and cool tongue acrobats,

(insert evening-ish night pics)
abby hopping around in esplanade,
abby levitates mid-air,
concert on the waterfront,
close-up shot of A Vacant Affair lead singer kinda skinny cool emo haircut, looking comfortable wearing a grey v-neck and shredded pants (presumably),
hafiz the drummer with bandana draped over the face covering the mouth and black baseball cap, wearing sleeveless not muscular nor skinny or fat,
some dude bodysurfing,
julynn in mosh,
awesome scene, very bright everyone with hands up and lead singer kinda like a commander with stage light's ray passing through him, looks like jesus,
some dude trampled on the floor,
A Vacant Affair aftermath,
peeps sitting on the floor,
sweaty peoples dead tired on parking space,
han and friends hoonkee toast,
eden with hoonkee,

(insert night pictures)
West Grand Boulevard,
some dude bodysurfing,
abby mosh,
lighters up in the air,
close-up shots,
marina square and peeps,
outside 7eleven,
all guys posing in front of some big-ass lingerie ad,
sitting on a square spot above marina square,
eden and shaun doing the love drink with their booze, hands over each other,
peoples on square spot,
ron at cheekys,

insert afterhours pics,
edmund and christopher with 2 bottles of tiger beer,
kevin ling's hairy legs,
edmund the great fat cheebye eating drinking straw

fuck this, im gonna snatch some of the concert/gig photos from eunice and post it later.
for now imma crash,
wern liangs housewarming coming up and people from up north (my father's cousin) visiting.
may tomorrow come better post.

Monday, July 02, 2007

its gonna be the 80's again, i predict


lousy sunday, went for some trella gig. yea, the band is called Trella. ella, ella, eh, eh, eh, under my. the band members are prolly kids with rich parents, tryin to get in the scene kinda kids. i think. resulting to a not really hardcore history and such. i dont know, is it just me or is it most punk rock, indies and what-not LOCAL bands are shit? its a tough world out there if your thinking of making a band. anyway, im looking forward next weekend for kick ass west grand boulevard and vacant affair! no doubt its gonna be fawesome.

local bands are awesome.

oh, and safe to say, international indie bands are in fact, suckifying. oh, and dont judge me, i have an impeccable taste in music and the arts, and i know whats great shit, or just simply shit. but of course, theres the diamonds in the dirts, and bands like The Vera Violets are great. at least take a look at video. the video simply screams dont judge a book by its cover. maybe its just indie bands or something, yea, its great but the pattern have to like come to an end at least.

syirr and sya

1980's bandana.

Paprika, this show is a MUST watch and i know its gonna be one. just like Transformers, which kicked serious ass big time, and im contemplating into watching it again. its like the must-see show of 2007.
i hallucinate and picture anything electronic transformable to me now. like say, air conditioner machine would transform to some kind of a ice cold killer, and my ipod would kill anyone by shooting precision stand-alone adhesive earpiece that would stick to the ear permanently, and the victim would die listening to shitty 2007 musics.

The Simpsons MOVIE is gonna be awesome.. im gonna catch it. its prolly gonna kick ass waaaay far more better than mediocre Mr. Bean Holiday.


the royal christy sendoff:

changi airport burger king
assile taking orders.
back break.

edmund the fat (leftest), sam chua(black jacket)
the 'man' cut

busy-ness man on the way to her First-Class flight lounge.
christy's mum, wayne liang, kevin
matthew, tiff'nay, ronaldo foo
the mum, aunt, dad, supergenius bro,

madj and tiff again:
boohoo, no more christy!
oh wow, camera. faster, take, take, take,

oh, christy, everyone here misses you...
the gang,
the gang's gang,
your family,
your friend,
your friend's friend,
since now your in the land down under,
if you were to happen to visit my blog,
i got a present for you:

courtesy of miss toh xue ling's