Monday, May 04, 2009

2,000 year old half-man half-dragon.

the potion to deal with this semester.

yeah, its been busy. lately i have no time to blog, nor settling down to do anything much. its been work work work and by gauging at the length of gap of the previous post to now, you could tell how good my time management is. huhuh. but no worries, you guys have no fucking idea how big and the sheer magnamity of the next post coming up. you better be saving up on spending that book for the holiday, because the amount of content comin' at-cha over here would totally eclipse that shit.

so yeah. hold up.
at this rate im going, it would require more arms than goro from mortal kombat for me to get everything cool completed and settled..

for arts inspiration sake, i watched the apocalypto dvd with father just now, and both of us were 'hurhuurhurhh'-ing. the movie is a must watch. its so awesome, i think im gonna paint aztec shit for ze finals.

maybe im gonna have jaguar paws syirr to help me out.

so i could like catch up:

‘I’m Jaguar Paw, son of the Flint Sky. My Father hunted this forest before me. My name is Jaguar Paw. I am a hunter. This is my forest. And my sons will hunt it with their sons after I am gone,’
insert magalenha- sergio mendes

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