Friday, December 28, 2007

on the 3rd day of christmas, my true love gave pink to me.. ...eww?

this week was sex. almost at least..
i feel like a fucking princess pampered and shit.
i wanna thank God for everything.
sad thing i cant go for the bangkok trip. well, the least i could do to kill the sorrows away:
im gonna yelp, cry, sob and moan like a sissy princess.

a sleeping giant cum princess.
oh, the royal facial care cream was running out of stock at that time
coolness! out of fucking no where!?
with a soft royal package. OH! and its slim and 'lite', so to speak.
magical internet browsing device
with a shining armor cum chrome rim.
69-mb, loaded with crap. 69, huhuh
fat girls should cry.
with magical crystal casing on
disney theme
maybe the pink casing looks nicer with a white backgound.
oh and its cool.
a little bit of princess love
huhuh. im kinda like happy. and shit

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