Friday, March 20, 2009

another one for the layman

abe lincoln, ma' man right her'.

from ma homie, diziz. he got like google for his left brain man. its bad to cop/plagiarise shit from others and for that im writing two 600-words plus essay for history and issues of art referenceless in return. but this is just too good to not share man!! hers' one of the time when ma' homie shit Mona Lisa on cue.

One day, 4 babies were born at K.K. Hospital: a German, a Jewish, a Filipino and a Singaporean.

However, someone mixed up the babies by mistake, and the nurses couldn't differentiate between them.

However, the head sister had a bright idea. She lined the babies up in front of her and exclaimed, "Heil Hitler!"

At hearing this, the German baby raised his arm in a salute, while the Jewish baby soiled his diapers. In the meantime, the Singaporean baby turned to the Filipino baby and said, "Faster clean la!"

more post in a while. so sorray bout' tha hiatus.

1 comment:

jOyEnZ said...
