Wednesday, September 06, 2006

the loving and caring person that supplies u a pack of tissue paper when you're crying.... but at a discount price of 20 cents.

LONG POST (grab a cup of coffee/chicken soup)

i was feeling tired like a fat stingray this morning and was stupidly sober. finished my 9am fresh crispy prata kosong and i walked my miser ass down my colourful neighbourhood.
so i happened to walk past 7-eleven. and that existance-old question still lingers in my head, what the fuck is in the mind of a women? so i was dead bored and apparently was in i-got-nothing-else-to-do state.
so i did what i normally do when im bored, random impulse purchase.

bought some magazines to uncover what really fascinates the opposite sex:

1) marie claire, a whopping $7 fucking dollars
(fashion. real amusing. -.-")

2) Hello! an insane expenditure $4 dollars and 90 fucking cents.
(Hollywood gossip. wow. so fucking great. -.-")

3) FHM. $6, worth every fucking penny
(simply for self entertainment. O,O)

marie claire, the september edition cover model is Paris Hilton, in there, the magazine's is more of a designer-label version for the classified newspaper. in there, you see a profusion of outlandish stuffs worn by models in the studio and maybe worn by mere simpletons in the streets of United States. simple epitome of womens mentality.

theres a reason why theres no such shit as a mens fashion magazine.. cause, any dude caught reading a magazine of such, that dude would be simply labelled big 3 letters on his forehead: FAG.
or worst, if that dude gets caught reading a women magazine, and gets fascinated by it, the number of words his label on his forehead is increased to 5 words: SISSY
trust me, the higher the number of letters, the gayer you are. dunt get me started with mens watching American Next Top Model.
its part of a mens life. and they follow by this strict code called: masculinity. and that rule is like golden. if men is to samurai, turning gay is like dishonor but then killing yourself after being gay - is like a honorable act. being a metrosexual is a no less profane excuse.

then the Hello! magazine. (July issue.WTF?!?.nvm)
total waste of money. who the fucksake would spend a couple of dollars on a magazine that tells life of celebs and how well they are doing? i dont, anyways sadly, i just did, BUT due to the fact that i dun give a single drip of shit about any content there is inside, im doing this as a public service announcement, and accountable for the sin of buying it.
besides rambling about womens (i'll get to that later), this funnels down to another major theme: People. Are. Stupid.
en masse, local Singaporeans in particular are a vapid, ignorant, taste challenged, easily distracted ocean of marketing victim automatons. why are we so much more interested in Singapore Idol than world affair? why do more people read tabloids than newspapers?
why do we tend to read the sports/gossip section instead of the relentless bombings that happened in our neighbouring countries everyday or the starving peoples?..
why would peoples finds the Lifestyle section/Urban waaay interesting compared to reading something vital such as the Straits Times forum or review. sometimes i think the real problem is that the comforts of modern life have circumvented the process of natural selection. allowing whole bloodlines of incredibly stupid people to continue on well after they should have died out. we need to give natural selection a little , and help eradicate the world of vacant idiots. personally, i'd start with celebrity worship. if you seriously follow celebrity gossip, and genuinely care about Gweneth Paltrow having a baby or Gillian Chung's pissed off after being caught on tape changing in a dressing room or how Jessica Simpson is holding up since her break-up... Kill yourself. if you've ever used the word "Brangelina" with no trace of irony... kill yourself.
obsessing over the inane personal lives of borderline-retarded complete strangers because your own life is devoid of any interest or meaning is possibly the most pathetic way to waste your sorry life away that u can think of.
Every issue of any gossip magazine should contain a packet of poisonous gas that bursts when someone opens the magazine, killing them instantly. Celebrity gossip shows on E! should emit radioactive waves from the tv, rendering you unable to reproduce if you watch it for more than ten minutes. As soon as you push the button to confirm your ringtone download of any top chart pop music, your phone should detonate, taking your empty fucking head off along with it. it's not murder, it's just forced natural selection. it's really for the best.

The sad thing is, i shouldn't feel as smart as i do. the bar has gotten so low, that people consider me fairly intelligent and comparatively well-informed, simply because i can form a sentence and i could give you a basic summary of what's happening in the Middle East. i've put the bare minimum effort into my education, and that's all it takes to feel intelligent. after all, i didn't get a 200+ aggregate for my PSLE, i really dont and the bit of knowledge i had attending my normal academic stream class which, if anything, actually made me dumber. i didn't come from money or privilege, i had no special treatment or silver spoon opportunities. likewise, my oh-so-intimate knowledge of world affairs comes from watching vital News @ 9.30 and briefly skimming through the newspaper every day, only occasionally giving a subject thorough investigation if it's something that interests me. so it's sad that with that minimum effort, i feel like i'm in fucking MENSA compared to a lot of people (even though i dont). if we were a society that even remotely championed knowledge and shunned ignorance - if scholars and scientists were our heroes, instead of basketball players and pop singers - I would be considered incredibly stupid - and rightfully so.... Thankfully so, theres no such shit as that, and everything remains relative..

Anyways enough of this nonsense,

Lets talk about womens some other time, i dun have the mood to talk abt it today...

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