Wednesday, May 09, 2007

keep your eye shut and your mind wide open, dark master!.

Suck it!! woot, another computer victim available for me to err... blog on.
i recommend yall to watch the bridge to terabithia.. it kicks major ass. -ish,.
haha at least its gazillion-fold better than high school musical in every other ways..
anyways, tomorrow ill be havin CME exam.. like wtf.. tell me, tell me, which school! which school? got C to the M to the E - as an exam subject.
and omg, i cant believe is giving only 30-seconds music sample from now on.
this sucks.
anyways, im using a comp that almost everyone is prohibited from using,.. and its none other than mr inuyahyusgderfanmgldsng's computer. which i find rather gay using it.. damn gay yooo..
also, he got shit loads of ancient pics of goood ol' 2006 which i think is worth uploadin and mentionin.
its sooo way back yaw:

the bling shirt
faggiest picture of me taken EVER.

uncle sam
damn it the tongue!! how did i get that tongue!

miss low's wedding.

and stuff..
blah, need computers!! other computers to use, so that i could like update. huhuh..
i wish someone would give me a notebook.
not a personal laptop notebook, but i just want a simple exercise-book-sized notebok, with no lines, so that i could like use it as a journal(since i hardly have a computer and stuff) and scribble. in fact, more scribble than journal. i need it for emo purposes, and as a portfolio-ish tool for admittance to any art school just like syirr (a waste that i didnt do so for the past years, because keeping drawing from my point of view, is quite a burden). but im gonna enrol just like syirr herself.. and i need scholarship from the stupid current school. because im getting broke and all, so i would kinda like lavishly reward that person who would get it for me..
a simple line-less notebook.

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