Sunday, September 16, 2007

it was Holly

it was literally and figuratively, a lockdown. it was awesome and spectacular .. omg, its so cool as a story and like im gonna tell this story at the end of this year. cos if i tell it now, literally 120 plus kids would find a way to kill me. either by paying a bounty hunter or otherwise.

so it was a series of rad ass weeks and for the past fortweeks it feels as if it was months. maybe its because i slept less. and i think sleeping less everyday, makes the most out of life.
i think it was some diamond baron dude in james bond die another day who said it,

"Life is short, why waste it on sleep"

why is like everyone is insensitive, when you start being sensitive and stuff. maybe its because that once you start being sensitive, its like God have unwrappped you from the aluminium foil of insecurity, and you start to like be vulnerable and stuff. but well, it takes time getting used to.

i need a pet. i think i feel responsible enough for responsibilty. like pay my bills and shit, and buy a HDB flat, move out, get a proper job and then give some of my hard-earned money back to my dad, as 'a fruit of labour' for his investment of keeping (and making) a wonderchild like me. then i get more money, and get married after that, and start having a kid.

and i really want to have a child under my name. and that kid is gonna be better than you.
and i need a practice by adopting a kitten or a rabbit. like syirr. apparently, she adopted a new baby wabbit. and that sucks. i want a tarantula or like a fat lazy lizard or a miniature white tiger cub or something. anything that isnt specified as endangered would do.

i need maths podcasts.
its awesome. i hope they update more.. check out Maths in Motion. i didnt knew solving long ass equation was that easy.

feed me books. i want cool books. and i have an expensive taste in anything, and i can assure you that. im not really fussy, but sometimes, crap is just crap.
my mum promised me to buy books and more and like more books. cos like im very bored and shit, so i keep complaining. but i stopped complaining, after she made a revolution at home. she fixed my AC, bought ANOTHER freezer (currently, 3), the new eco-energy-pocket-friendly clothes dryer, pails of paint for home makeover (pink is the new black, according to her) , some kitchen machinery (to heat something up, i dont really know the purpose of that thing) and alot of shit. i think shes using too much money. and its probably the first time ever that i've seen her busy.

i cant consume anything when the suns up. puasa, nuff said. so, let the feasting begin late at night.

oh, and i joined a cleansing programme and yoga classes.. it is so awesome. i was inspired by the white masked poetry-art hermit people in the movie, Banquet. i love that show. its so shakespeare-ish.

oh, and ive decided to join:

i'm gonna rock.

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