Tuesday, September 25, 2007

man that was baru.

what do you call jack if hes indian?
ans: black jack
las vegas casino

anyways, the prelims result are out, and it was a tsunami bomb to my classmate's morale, ego and everything. so, to suck the sorrow away, they gamble. everything
genting casino
lets kick some ath, math math math

ten years series kicks ass also
wah lanneh.
temptations for puasa
dammit blocked
ooh weeee

custom piece
lotus and swastika
flaming snake
fire fire
top view
finally its breakfast time, and liquids the first thing you gotta attack first, so, its the bubble bubble tea
got problem, wait, i call my member.
mc flurry
what do you call a fat malay?
ans: a falay
oreo swirl
blind, deaf and dumb
supersonic overdrive

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