Wednesday, May 31, 2006

No. 59!!

26 things that you all should also do this month..

Ask a person u never went out with before and take that person to a dinner..

Buy something a little bit more expensive than you can afford... dont regret it, enjoy it...

Call someone for long hours.. my record is 4 hours. beat that!

Delete practically everything u have in ur handphone or ur PC.. (memory cleaning) and then set it to factory setting.. make yourself feel as if u just bought it...

Excuse yourself from a class/work for like 20minutes and fake a cry..then return later with crocodile tears...

Fly off for a weekend.. and flirt with a foreigner...

Get a facial..

Help someone. Not self-help.

Insist on using a word/acronym/phrase that u've totally made up and get your frends to spread it. Like: brokebacker or JJP(lame)

Jersey!! A world cup football jersey from a country..

Kick someone ass in DOTA and then humiliate them

Look at your gf/bf in the left eye all the time as he/she is speaking to you.. try it..

Make something nice for yourself.. a buffet or a custom ring is ideal

Nothing. Do nothing and think of what to do next.. stop it the dont-waste-time attitude for once.. give yourself a break once in a while..

Order a meal that u never tried before

Pick someone to go out with and meet them somewhere u normally dont: fire exit, taxi queue, toys-r-us, clinic..

Quit saying hello when ur picking up a call, instead, try something new like: Yello? How can i help ya?

Retry a something u completed...

Sex up ur wardrobe with something tight, black or maybe leather... just try....

Take a photo of yourself and photo-edit it like dream and set it as ur desktop wallpaper

Undress someone.

Visit the library and read books that are thick and technical that would somehow makes u look smart reading it, and then go to the kids section and somehow try to understand and be smart.

Wrestle with ur conscience, and let your consience win for a change.

XXX is getting too uncommon. Try to relive those wonderful dreams u had during puberty by watching one... save the world's falling population..

Your Mom deserves a phonecall. Call her and say hello, ask her if she wants a new DVD player. Buy her lunch too..

Zero in someone famous and try dating them. Its really fun to date celebs, everyone should try it once..

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