Monday, February 05, 2007

a licky boom boom down (draft)

currently listening to:
Snow - Informer

i love this song, its so 1992. and just now, i saw this song, in mp3 format in my dad's folder. it really reminded me of my humble beginnings when i was like young and far from circumcised. as bratty as a demon incarnate, dad would smoke while listening to this particular song. and i would like 'daddy, daddy, i want another cat' and dad would like shrug me away, and another time when my sister told my dad that i drew cartoon pictures on my dad's bankbook with magic markers.
and till now, when i told my dad she took (removed this whole part).. probably in the back of dad's head, i knew that he was suckered into having kids.

by the way, i didnt know the title of this song till now, i dont want to sound too nostalgic by asking my father that. the song was just too dirty 90's, plus embarassing. lucky enough that i found this song. fitting. the song would always be in my head everytime i kena pau-toed.
songs in the playlist, (click a song and mouse-wheel) scroll down.

im starting to love its like the audio form of YouTube. and the internet's capability has racked up in an exponential manner. its getting more fawesome, and peoples are getting lazy just by using it. some people would kill just to have internet in their homes.

the same people who never had any desire to learn before they got online are the same people who don't have any desire to learn now that they are online. they're the people for whom the internet is nothing more than a fancy TV. its for YouTube and MySpace and porn - not that i don't use it for those things, but not exclusively.

personally, im extremely socially liberal, completely desensitized, love to stir up shit, and hate a lot of things about humanity. however, at my core, im one of the most moral people you'll ever meet.
i love swearing (i fucking love it) but i make a point to never do it around children, or even in public places where it would be considered inappropriate. i love gory movies and violent video games, but i abhor the idea of actually hurting other people, or committing crimes against other people. im fascinated with sexual depravity, with the darker side of the human psyche, but i don't think it should appear on prime time TV. i think bad parenting should be a crime, and that being a really good parent is the single most important thing anyone could do with their life. i think, probably like you do, that our culture has sold its soul, that media sends out all the wrong messages, that we've traded in the innocence of our children for easy profits.

so cool.

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